Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms and Signs

Social Anxiety Disorder SymptomsSocial anxiety disorder symptoms extend to the normal living activities. The symptoms experienced by those with social anxiety. Social anxiety disorder is the fear or worry of social conditions and interactions with other that will automatically bring him on feeling of judgment, self consciousness, inferiority, and evaluation. This disorder is  anxiety and fear of being evaluated and judged by others that lead to feelings of inferiority, inadequacy, humiliation, embarrassment, and depression. If someone usually become fear or anxious in social situations and seems better if he is alone, he may experience social anxiety disorder. There are several symptoms of social anxiety disorder experienced by someone affected by social anxiety. Social anxiety can be very debilitating and isolating those who suffer this condition that make a life ruled by worry and fear. Social anxiety might be a common and normal condition because everyone will experience this at some events in their lives such as giving a speech, going to an unfamiliar community, and many more. All of these situations sometimes make someone to feel anxious. But, those with social anxiety disorder have uncontrollable fear to be humiliated or embarrassed in social conditions and it interferes with their life. Those who experience social anxiety disorder symptoms are recommended to seek treatment.

Psychological Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder

GraziellaFear of being watched, criticized, embarrassed, or judged by other is one of the most common symptoms of social anxiety disorder. This fear may cause someone to avoid social situations that would be enjoyable. It can also limit person’s life. In addition, worrying about the upcoming social condition far in advance is also among the common social anxiety disorder symptoms. This worry may take place during the days, weeks, or months before the event is scheduled. Though people with this disorder commonly realize that fear is unfounded and irrational, those who suffer from this problem still have difficulty to control this fear. Someone typically will go over the scenarios which he fear the most. Even, the fear becomes very overwhelming that make people who suffer from this disorder will cancel his appointments, refuse to accept invitations, and avoid to go to the unfamiliar place. He becomes reclusive since the condition intensifies over time. Therefore, for the sufferer, any external contacts are unbearable.

Physical Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder

While social anxiety begins in mind and it becomes intensified by constant worry, the body will responds to the psychological signs and the sufferer typically will experience uncomfortable physical symptoms of social anxiety .Increased heart rate is among social anxiety disorder symptoms. When the heart rate is raised, someone will feel his heart pounding and racing. The pain may feel like heart attack as hot flashes and sweating moves from palms to entire body. Someone might start shaking if he things about occasion. He might have trouble talking if encountered by the others. Other symptoms are muscles become tense. Some people with this problem sometimes also experienced twitching. Social anxiety disorder can be affected children and adult. Actually, social anxiety disorder symptoms in adult and children are nearly similar.

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