Help With Panic Attacks

Help With Panic Attacks

Help With Panic Attacks

Panic attacks will be troublesome when the attacks come and for that one reason, people need to know how to help with panic attacks. Some people actually don’t really have the clear idea of how they must deal with this particular condition. Before proceeding in knowing the necessary steps to provide help for panic attacks, it is good to understand more about panic attacks. Panic attack is a condition when someone feels the extreme apprehension or fear along with the extreme terror although that there is no danger around. The attack will come without a warning everywhere and every time it wants to come.

Help With Panic AttacksThere are no obvious reasons of why panic attacks come and in the extreme cases, there might be fear of dying felt. The panic attacks are distressing and can last from 5 to 20 minutes but commonly are not going to threaten life. However, if panic attacks occur due to underlying reasons such as asthma or tachycardia or arrhythmia or there is no harmony in the nervous system, a death might come to the patients. Obviously a help with panic attacks is something important to prevent deaths. But first, everyone needs to know and understands the symptoms of panic attacks.
The followings are the possible symptoms or signs of a panic attack and when these symptoms occur, it is better to take the necessary steps to take the needed steps to help with panic attacks:
·         A racing heart or a heart palpitation
·         Chest pain or a discomfort
·         Choking feeling
·         Cold or hot flashes
·         Feeling detached from the surroundings or unreal
·         Feeling dizzy, faint or light-headed
·         Hyperventilation or shortness of breathing
·         Nausea or the upset stomach
·         Numbness or the tingling sensation
·         Shaking or trembling
·         Sweating
The first step to help with panic attacks is to find out whether the symptoms are caused by panic attacks or caused by other things such as heart attacks. As many people noticed already, the symptoms of panic attacks are similar to those of heart attacks. And the fact is there are a lot of people who rushed to hospital because they think that the symptoms show heart attacks. Therefore it is important to figure out the main cause of the occurring symptoms. Try to talk with the person who is suspected to suffer from panic attack. Try to figure out whether there is something being feared and get that person away from the source of fear.
In order to help with panic attacks, everyone will need to be able to make the person who is in attack of panic to calm down. But of course, they will need to make themselves calm first. Talk to that person in calming and reassuring tone but in the firm manner as well. Be ready that the person who is in panic might have the intense desire of escaping. When talking to the person who is in panic in the middle of panic attacks, it is important to tell him or her that everything will be okay and lead him or her to relax. Do not say things like, “You’re overreacting” and others that will dismiss the fear.
Stay calm and don’t every try to put pressure on the person who is in panic attacks. It will be more helpful to help with panic attacks by instructing that person to control the breathing. If it is necessary, give something useful to help breathing. Help for panic attacks need to be continued by not leaving the side of that person who is attacked with panic. Stay and keep him cool. If the symptoms stay even after 15 minutes or more, try to help with panic attacks by seeking medical help from doctors.

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