Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms in Adult

Generalized anxiety disorder symptoms are experienced by those with anxiety disorder. Anxiety itself is a feeling of uneasiness or nervousness. It ranges from mild to paralyzing. Typically, anxiety is also accompanied by several physical symptoms. Anxious is a common reaction to the perceived stressor and can be experienced during happy periods of distress. Generalized anxiety disorder is a type of anxiety disorders. However, for the sufferers of this kind of anxiety disorder, symptoms of general anxiety disorder typically do not develop in response to specific stressor. One of the most common symptoms of this disorder is constant worry.

Physical Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

There are several physical symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder include muscle pain, tiredness, and trembling. Muscle pain is one of the most common generalized anxiety disorder symptoms. Those with generalized anxiety disorder may experience pain in the muscles. It occurs as common pain ad aches in various muscles. It is also a general sense resulted by muscle tension. Person with generalized anxiety disorder feels nervous much of time that can lead to twitching or trembling sensation throughout the body. Fear or surprise may cause someone’s body to tremble. Other generalized anxiety disorder symptoms are breathing difficulties. It is happened because when someone feels fear, it will make him or her has sensation of shortness breath and rapid breathing. The sufferer may also feel that he or she cannot get enough air.

The Most Common Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

As mentioned above, constant worry is the most common symptom for this problem. Taking it easy sometimes is easier to said than done. The sources of worry itself are infinite. Concerns about family, work, friends, money, and school may be overwhelming. Those with generalized anxiety disorder tend to unable to control their emotions and thoughts, especially worry. Without control, negative thoughts, which enter the mind, will intensify and fester the existing anxiety. Since the sufferer of generalized anxiety disorder experience constant worry, restlessness is among the common generalized anxiety disorder symptoms. Generalized anxiety disorder makes it is more difficult to rest because constant worrying is emotionally, mentally, and physically taxing. As the result, the sufferer of this disorder has little or even no energy to expend. The sufferer teds to be easily fatigued and have difficulty sleeping. Staying asleep and falling asleep are symptomatic disturbances caused by generalized anxiety disorder. Tossing and turning, restlessness, and non restorative sleep actually are common symptoms of general anxiety disorder. In addition, generalized anxiety disorder also affects the cognition of the suffered. Commonly generalized as anxiety disorder also struggle with pace and frequency of these thoughts. When the sufferer’s mind becomes overloaded with his or her worrisome thoughts; focusing or concentrating on anything else may be very difficult. So, the capabilities to absorb information and pay attention are impacted while the ability to recall or remember information from the memory may also be impaired significantly. Anxiety, which is not related to specific condition, is considered as generalized anxiety disorder. Those who have generalized anxiety disorder commonly will experience generalized anxiety disorder symptoms at least six months.

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